saker.msvc Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
  1. saker.msvc
  2. C/C++ compilation
  3. Linker options

Linker options

The saker.msvc.clink() task allows dynamic option merging based on the identifier and architecture of the linker operation. It can be used to define the linker options in one place that can be applied to one or more linker operations selectively.

A simple example for this is to define different linker parameters for debug and release builds:

$options = [
		Identifier: debug,
		SimpleLinkerParameters: [ /DEBUG ]
		Identifier: release,
		SimpleLinkerParameters: [ /LTCG ]
	Input: ### ... ###,
	Identifier: main-debug,
	LinkerOptions: $options
	Input: ### ... ###,
	Identifier: main-release,
	LinkerOptions: $options

The above will cause the /DEBUG argument to be passed to the link.exe backend for the main-debug linker operation, while the /LTCG argument to be passed for the main-release linker operation.

A linker option entry will be merged with the linker operation if all of the dash separated identifier parts are contained in the operation identifier of the task.

The mergeability of the options can also be decided based on the target Architecture of the linked inputs.