saker.msvc Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
  1. saker.msvc
  2. C/C++ compilation
  3. Compiler options

Compiler options

The saker.msvc.ccompile() task allows dynamic option merging based on the identifier, architecture, and compilation language of the inputs. It can be used to define the compilation parameters in one place that can be applied to one or more compilation tasks selectively.

A simple example for this is to define some macros for the preprocessor based on the compilation architecture:

$options = [
		Architecture: x86,
		MacroDefinitions: {
		Architecture: x64,
		MacroDefinitions: {
	Architecture: x86,
	CompilerOptions: $options
	Architecture: x64,
	CompilerOptions: $options

The compilation tasks will be set up in a way that the MARCHITECTURE preprocessor macro will be defined with the value of X86 when compiling for x86 and with the value of X64 when compiling for x64 architecture.

The mergeability of the options can also be decided based on the compilation Identifier and the Language of the compiled sources.

This facility can be used to compile various inputs with different options dynamically. For example if we'd like to compile the sources for multiple languages, we can use multiple include directories based on the language:

$options = [
		Identifier: en,
		IncludeDirectories: inc/en
		Identifier: de,
		IncludeDirectories: inc/de
		Identifier: es,
		IncludeDirectories: inc/es
foreach $lang in [en, de, es] {
		Identifier: "main-{ $lang }",
		CompilerOptions: $options

In the above example we compile the source files defined by the src/**/*.cpp wildcard, and use different include directories for each compilation pass. If we're compiling for english, the inc/en include directory will be used, as the option entry with the en identifier is merged with the compilation pass options. (And similarly with other languages.)

A compiler option entry will be merged with the compilation pass if all of the dash separated identifier parts are contained in the compilation identifier of the task.