saker.msvc Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
  1. saker.msvc
  2. C/C++ compilation
  3. Compiling


The saker.msvc.ccompile() task allows compiling C/C++ source files into object files. The task can be used to compile for the local machine, or for any other supported architectures.

The task serves as a frontend for cl.exe present in the MSVC toolchain.

The simplest example for compilation is the following:


The above compiles all source files in the src directory that end with .cpp. The compilation language is automatically determined by the extension of the source file (or using the Language option). You can also specify various options for the compiled files:

		Files: src/**/*.cpp,
		MacroDefinitions: {
			MY_MACRO: 123

In the above, the MY_MACRO will be defined for the preprocessor with the value 123. You can also specify different inputs and different configurations for them:

		Files: src/**/*.cpp,
		MacroDefinitions: {
			MY_MACRO: 123
		Files: src/**/*.c,
		MacroDefinitions: {
			MY_MACRO: 456

In the above, the macro definition for MY_MACRO will be set to 456 for the compiled C files.


The output of the compilation is placed in the build directory. It will be under the {build-dir}/saker.msvc.ccompile/{compilation-id}/{architecture} directory where {compilation-id} is the compilation identifier of the compilation pass and {architecture} is the target architecture of the compilation.

Compilation identifier

The compilation identifier (and the target architecture) uniquely identifies a given compilation pass during the build system execution. It is used to distinguish the different compilations, their outputs, and to prevent accidental overwriting of each others outputs. The Identifier parameter can be used to set a custom one:

	Input: #### ... ###,
	Identifier: main

The compilation identifier is also used to determine if any compiler options need to be merged for the compilation pass.


The compilation can be done in order to target a given architecture. The saker.msvc.ccompile() task can be instructed to compile for a given architecture by specifying the Architecture parameter:

	Input: #### ... ###,
	Architecture: x64

If no architecture is specified, the compilation will be executed targetting the architecture of the local machine.