Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Build tasks
saker.maven.auth.account()Creates an account based authentication configuration to be used with remote Maven repositories.
saker.maven.auth.privatekey()Creates a configuration that uses a private key and an associated pass phrase to be authenticate with remote Maven repositories.
saker.maven.deploy()Deploys the specified artifacts to the given remote Maven repository. the specified artifacts for the build execution.
saker.maven.install()Installs the specified file with the given coordinates to the local Maven repository.
saker.maven.localize()Localizes the specified Maven artifacts.
saker.maven.resolve()Resolves Maven dependencies using the specified configuration.
AccountAuthenticationConfigurationHolds username-password pair for authenticating with Maven repositories.
ArtifactCoordinatesRepresents Maven artifact coordinates in the format of <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version>.
ArtifactCoordinatesRepresents Maven artifact coordinates in the format of <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version>.
ArtifactDeployWorkerTaskOutputResult of a Maven artifact deployment task.
ArtifactDownloadTaskOutputOutput of the Maven artifact download task.
ArtifactDownloadWorkerTaskOutputOutput of a single artifact download operation.
ArtifactInstallWorkerTaskOutputResult of a Maven artifact installation task.
ArtifactLocalizationTaskOutputOutput of the Maven artifact localization task.
ArtifactLocalizationWorkerTaskOutputOutput of a single artifact localization operation.
AuthenticationTaskOptionOption for authenticating at a remote Maven repository.
ChecksumPolicyRepresents a checksum policy configuration for Maven artifacts.
DeploymentSpecifierArtifact deployment specifier that contains the classifier and extension for a given artifact.
ExclusionTaskOptionSpecifies an artifact exclusion for transitive dependencies.
MavenConfigurationTaskOptionRepresents a Maven configuration used during operations with the Maven Resolver.
MavenDependencyResolutionExtensionsOutputExtension lookup object of a Maven dependency resolution output.
MavenDependencyResolutionScopesOutputScope lookup object of a Maven dependency resolution output.
MavenDependencyResolutionTaskOutputRepresents the output of a Maven dependency resolution.
MavenDependencyScopeThe scope of an artifact dependency.
MavenDependencyTaskOptionSpecifies a Maven dependency associated with a given artifact.
MavenRepositoryLayoutRepresents a layout configuration for Maven repositories.
PrivateKeyAuthenticationConfigurationHolds a private key and pass phrase pair for authenticating with Maven repositories.
RepositoryPolicyTaskOptionRepresents an artifact policy configuration for Maven operations.
RepositoryTaskOptionRepresents a remote repository configuration for Maven operations.
ResolvedDependencyArtifactRepresents a resolved Maven dependency for a single artifact.
SakerPathLocal file system path to a private key store that can be used to authenticate to Maven remote repositories.
SakerPathPath to the Maven artifact that is being deployed.
SakerPathPath to the Maven artifact that is being installed.
SakerPathExecution path to a Maven pom.xml.
SakerPathLocal file system path to a Maven repository.
UpdatePolicyRepresents an update policy configuration for Maven artifacts.