Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Deploys the specified artifacts to the given remote Maven repository. The task deploys multiple artifacts in a batch. The artifacts can be provided by using specifiers and file paths. The specifies tell the deploy task what classifier and extension a given artifact has.
Required parameter.
Specifies the artifacts that should be deployed.
Required parameter.
Specifies the deployment target coordinates.
Required parameter.
Specifies the remote repository to where the deployment should be performed.
Required parameter.
Specifies the artifacts that should be deployed. The artifacts can be specified in a map where the keys are the <classifier>:<extension> formatted specifiers, and the values are the paths to the artifact files. The specifiers will be merged with the Coordinates parameter to determine the final deployment coordinates of the artifact.
Required parameter.
Specifies the deployment target coordinates. The deployment will be performed targetting the specified coordinates. The classifier and extension parts of the coordinates are ignored. The coordinates are merged with each deployed artifact specifiers.
Required parameter.
Specifies the remote repository to where the deployment should be performed.