Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Resolves Maven dependencies using the specified configuration. The task can be used to resolve dependencies from Maven repositories using direct artifact names, pom.xml files, or dependency specifications. The task will transitively resolve the dependencies based on the arguments, and will return reference to the resolved artifacts. The callers are likely to pass it to another task that converts it to an usable input for other tasks. (E.g. classpath, downloading, etc...) This task may initiate network requests in order to complete its work. The task uses the Maven Resolver library to execute its operations. For exact mechanism of the dependency resolution, consult the documentation of the library at:
ArtifactsSpecifies the artifact coordinates that should be resolved.
ConfigurationSpecifies the configuration to use during the operation.
DependenciesSpecifies artifact dependencies that should be resolved.
PomSpecifies a path to a pom.xml file from which the dependencies should be resolved.
Specifies the artifact coordinates that should be resolved. The artifact coordinates are expected in the <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version> format. The coordinates are directly passed to the Maven resolver backend. Using this parameter, the scope of the dependencies will be compile. This parameter cannot be used together with Pom or Dependencies. If the <extension> part is omitted, it will be inferred from the <packaging> tag of the associated pom file.
Specifies the configuration to use during the operation. The parameter can be used to specify the local repository path, and the configuration for remote repositories. If no configuration is specified, the task will use the local repository at {user.home}/.m2/repository, and the remote repository from Maven Central:
Specifies artifact dependencies that should be resolved. The dependencies are specified in a map with artifact coordinate keys, and dependency specification values. The dependency specifications contain the scope, exclusions and optionality of the dependency. If no scope is specified, compile is used. This parameter cannot be used together with Artifacts or Pom. The parameter is set to work the same way as the <dependency/> element(s) in the pom.xml. If the extension part of the coordinates is omitted, it will be inferred from the <packaging> tag of the associated pom file.
Specifies a path to a pom.xml file from which the dependencies should be resolved. The task will parse the specified pom.xml and resolve the dependencies of it. The specified file doesn't necessarily need to have the pom.xml name. This parameter cannot be used together with Artifacts or Dependencies.