Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Installs the specified file with the given coordinates to the local Maven repository. The task will simply install the file as an aritfact to the local repository. The local repository path can be configured as other saker.maven tasks. Remote repository configurations are ignored.
Required parameter.
Path to the artifact that should be installed to the repository.
ConfigurationSpecifies the configuration to use during the operation.
Required parameter.
The coordinates of the installed artifact.
Required parameter.
Path to the artifact that should be installed to the repository.
Specifies the configuration to use during the operation. The parameter can be used to specify the local repository path, and the configuration for remote repositories. If no configuration is specified, the task will use the local repository at {user.home}/.m2/repository, and the remote repository from Maven Central:
Required parameter.
The coordinates of the installed artifact. The given file will be installed to the repository with the artifact coordinates specified in this parameter.