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Represents a Maven configuration used during operations with the Maven Resolver. The configuration contains options for defining the LocalRepositoryPath, and the remote Repositories to work with.
LocalRepositoryPathSpecifies the path on the local file system that should be used as the local repository of artifacts.
RepositoriesSpecifies the remote repositories to use during operations with the Maven Resolver.
Specifies the path on the local file system that should be used as the local repository of artifacts. The local repository serves as a cache for remote artifacts, and a local storage of private artifacts. If not specified, {user.home}/.m2/repository is used.
Specifies the remote repositories to use during operations with the Maven Resolver. If not specified, Maven Central is used with the Id of "central" at: In order to remove the default, specify empty Repositories. If you specify any repository, the default central repository is not added automatically, and you need to add it yourself.