Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Localizes the specified Maven artifacts. Localization is the processo of making the artifacts available on the local machine. This may involve downloading artifacts over the network from remote repositories. Unlike artifact downloading, this task doesn't make the artifacts available for the current build execution file system. The artifacts will only be accessible using paths on the local file system. This task doesn't perform any dependency resolution. To resolve dependencies, use the saker.maven.resolve() task. Take care when using the result of this task, as it may cause unexpected results when mixed with execution paths.
ArtifactsSpecifies one or more artifact coordinates to be localized.The artifact coordinates are expected in the <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version> format.
ConfigurationSpecifies the configuration to use during the operation.
Specifies one or more artifact coordinates to be localized.The artifact coordinates are expected in the <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[:<classifier>]]:<version> format. The dependencies of the artifacts are NOT resolved. This parameter accepts the output of the saker.maven.resolve() task to localize the resolved artifacts.
Specifies the configuration to use during the operation. The parameter can be used to specify the local repository path, and the configuration for remote repositories. If no configuration is specified, the task will use the local repository at {user.home}/.m2/repository, and the remote repository from Maven Central: