saker.standard Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Build tasks
std.dir.prepare()Prepares the contents of a directory with the specified files.
std.env.qualifier.any()Gets an environment qualifier that doesn't restrict the suitable build environments.
std.env.qualifier.params()Creates an environment qualifier that expects the specified environment user parameters to have the associated values.
std.file.copy()Copies files between two file locations.
std.file.local()Specifies a file location on the local file system.
std.file.mirror()Mirrors a file at the given path to the local file system.
std.file.mirror.path()Gets the mirror path for a given file location. a file place in the build directory where you can work and freely modify files.
std.file.put()Puts a file to the given file location.
std.file.type()Gets information about the type of a file.
std.file.wildcard()Resolves one or more wildcard patterns to file paths.
std.file.wildcard.local()Resolves one or more wildcard patterns to file paths on the local file system.
std.param.env()Gets the value of a build environment user parameter.
std.param.exec()Gets the value of a build execution user parameter.
CharsetTaskOptionRepresents a character encoding format (charset).
CopyFileTaskOutputResult of a file copy operation.
EnvironmentQualifierRepresents and environment qualifier that is able to determine if a given build environment is suitable for an associated operation to be performed on it.
ExecutionFileLocationRepresents a location of a file available in the build execution.
FileCollectionCollection of file locations.
FileLocationRepresents a location of a given file.
FileLocationTaskOptionRepresents a location of a file.
FileTypeTaskOutputContains information about the type of a file.
LocalFileLocationRepresents a local file system location.
MultiFileLocationTaskOptionOption accepting files as its input.
PatternRepresents a regular expression pattern.
PatternReplacementRepresents a replacement expression to be used together with a regular expression.
PrepareDirectoryWorkerTaskOutputOutput of the directory preparation task.
RelativeContentsTaskOptionA file configuration that is used to include files in a given package.