saker.standard Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Copies files between two file locations. The task takes two locations, one source and one target file locations. The copying will be executed between them. The task can handle both local and file system file locations. They can be intermixed, meaning that the task can copy from the build file hierarchy to the local file system and vice versa. The task supports copying files, and directories as well. If the Source file is not a directory, the contents of it is simply copied to the target location. Any required parent directories are created automatically. If the Source is a directory, then the Wildcards parameter specifies which files in it should be copied. The task doesn't automatically copy the subtree of a directory if you don't specify the Wildcards parameter. You can use the ** wildcard to copy the complete subtree. The task may throw an exception if the copy operation would result in a non-empty directory being overwritten.
Required parameter.
The Source file location that should be copied to the Target.
Required parameter.
The Target file location where the Source should be copied to.
WildcardsSpecifies the part of the directory subtree that should be copied to the Target if the Source is a directory.
Required parameter.
The Source file location that should be copied to the Target.
Required parameter.
The Target file location where the Source should be copied to.
Collection of WildcardPath
Specifies the part of the directory subtree that should be copied to the Target if the Source is a directory. The parameter expects one or more wildcards that when matched against the relative path of a subfile under the Source directory determine if it should be copied to the Target or not. If any of the specified wildcard path matches a subtree file, then it will be copied under the Target file with the same relative path.