Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages

Dependency resolution

The saker.maven.resolve() task supports resolving artifact dependencies. The task can operate with any of the following inputs:

Artifact coordinates

You can specify the artifact coordinates for which the dependencies should be resolved:

	Artifacts: [

In this case the artifact dependencies are resolved using the compile scope. In the above scenario the result of the resolution will be:


The specified artifact coordinates are expected to have the following format:


The dependencies can also be speified with the scopes and exclusions as well:

	Dependencies: {
		"junit:junit:4.12": {
			Scope: test,
			Exclusions: "org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core"

In the above we specify a dependency on junit with the test scope, however exclude the transitive inclusion of the org.hamcrest:hamcrest-core artifact.

The keys of the Dependencies map specify the dependency artifact, while the value map can configure the nature of the dependency. If we don't want to specify exclusions, we can simply pass the scope as the value:

	Dependencies: {
		"junit:junit:4.12": test

The task can also resolve the dependencies of a pom.xml file:

	Pom: pom.xml

The task will parse the specified POM file and resolve the dependencies from it. Note that only the dependencies are resolved, other parts of the POM file are note taken into account.


The output of dependency resolution provide access to the artifact coordinates of the resolved dependencies. You can also query the scope that is associated with the given dependency.

See the Scope selection example for more information.