Package containing task utility related classes for the build system.
ComposedStructuredTaskResult | StructuredTaskResult interface representing a result that may contain other intermediate structured task
results. |
StructuredListTaskResult | StructuredTaskResult interface of an ordered collection. |
StructuredMapTaskResult | StructuredTaskResult interface for a map. |
StructuredObjectTaskResult | StructuredTaskResult for a single object. |
StructuredTaskResult | Represents a special kind of task result which should be handled as a structured output with fields that haven't
completed yet. |
TaskBuilderResult | Interface holding the result of a task builder operation. |
BuildTargetBootstrapperTaskFactory | Bootstrapper task for invoking a build target of a build script with the given parameters. |
BuildTargetRunnerTaskFactory | TaskFactory for running a build target. |
FixedTaskDuplicationPredicate | This class is unreliable, don't use it. |
SimpleStructuredListTaskResult | Simple StructuredListTaskResult implementation that is backed by a list of elements. |
SimpleStructuredMapTaskResult | Simple StructuredMapTaskResult implementation that is backed by a map. |
SimpleStructuredObjectTaskResult | Simple StructuredObjectTaskResult data class implementation. |
TaskInvocationBootstrapperTaskFactory | Bootstrapper task for looking up a task by a given name and invoking it with the given parameters. |
TaskInvocationRunnerTaskFactory | TaskFactory for running a specified task with the given parameters. |
TaskLookupExecutionProperty | ExecutionProperty implementation for looking up a TaskFactory instance based on a TaskName
and repository identifier. |
TaskUtils | Utility class for task related functionality. |