Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
public interface StructuredObjectTaskResult extends StructuredTaskResult
StructuredTaskResult for a single object.

The result object is simply identified by the identifier of the corresponding task.

public TaskIdentifier
Gets the task identifier of the task which produces the result.
public default Object
Converts the structured result to plain object.
public default TaskResultDependencyHandle
Gets the task result dependency handle to the plain result object.
Gets the task identifier of the task which produces the result.

The result of the associated task may still be a structured task result.

The task identifier.
public default Object toResult(TaskResultResolver results)
Overridden from: StructuredTaskResult
Converts the structured result to plain object.

Calling this method will ensure that the return value will not have any structured task result related fields in it.

resultsThe results to resolve the task identifiers against.
The objectified structured result represented by this instance.
Overridden from: StructuredTaskResult
Gets the task result dependency handle to the plain result object.

The TaskResultDependencyHandle.get() method must return the semantically same object as StructuredTaskResult.toResult(TaskResultResolver).

The TaskResultDependencyHandle.setTaskOutputChangeDetector(TaskOutputChangeDetector) method may or may not report dependencies to the backing task. It may be very well that there's no backing task.

resultsThe results to resolve the task identifiers against.
The result dependency handle to the result plain object.
NullPointerExceptionIf the argument is null.