Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Build tasks
saker.aar.extract()Extracts a given entry from .aar files. Android resource compilation using the aapt2 tool from the Android SDK. compiled Android resources using the aapt2 tool. AIDL (Android Interface Definition Language) compilation. a Java classpath configuration for Android. a classpath reference to an Android platform. dexing operations on Java bytecode using the Android d8 tool. a clang configuration preset for compiling and linking Android native binaries. an SDK description for the Android NDK (Native Development Kit). the strip tool in the Android NDK. an Android build-tools SDK description. an Android platform SDK description. ZIP alignment on the specified archive.
saker.apk.create()Creates an Android APK based on the specified inputs.
saker.apk.sign()Signs an APK using the apksigner tool.
Aapt2AarCompileTaskOutputOutput of aapt2 compilation of an AAR bundle.
Aapt2CompileTaskOutputOutput of aapt2 compilation.
Aapt2CompilerInputTaskOptionInput for aapt2 compilation.
Aapt2LinkInputLibraryRepresents an input library for aapt2 linking operation.
Aapt2LinkTaskOutputOutput of an aapt2 linking operation.
Aapt2LinkerInputTaskOptionInput for aapt2 linking operation.
Aapt2OutputFormatTaskOptionRepresents the output format of the aapt2 link operation.
AarExtractTaskOutputOutput of an AAR entry extraction operation.
AidlTaskOutputOutput of the AIDL compilation task.
AndroidAbiIdentifier of an Android ABI (Application Binary Interface).
AndroidClassPathInputTaskOptionInput for the Android classpath creation task.
AndroidClassPathReferenceClasspath configuration for Android.
AndroidLibraryEntryOptionRepresents an ABI - Android library location pair.
AndroidNdkClangOptionsPresetConfiguration preset for using clang with Android NDK.
AndroidNdkLibraryIdentifier of an Android NDK library.
AndroidNdkRuntimeFeaturesAn Android runtime feature option.
AndroidNdkSDKDescriptionSDK description for the Android NDK.
AndroidPlatformClassPathClasspath reference to an Android platform.
ApkClassesTaskOptionInput Java classes in dex format.
ApkCreatorTaskOutputRepresents the task output of an APK creation.
ApkResourcesTaskOptionInput resources for APK creation.
AssetsDirectoryPathPath to an Android assets directory.
ClassBinaryNameBinary name of a Java class.
CompilationIdentifierTaskOptionRepresents an identifier for compilation related tasks.
D8InputTaskOptionInput for D8 operation.
D8TaskOutputOutput of the d8 dexing operation.
ExecutionFileLocationRepresents a location of a file available in the build execution.
FileLocationRepresents a location of a given file.
FileLocationTaskOptionRepresents a location of a file.
LocalFileLocationRepresents a local file system location.
SDKDescriptionAn SDK description.
SDKDescriptionTaskOptionRepresents an SDK description that can be passed to tasks which support it.
SDKNameName of an SDK description.
SignApkInputTaskOptionInput APK for the saker.apk.sign() task.
SignApkTaskOutputOutput of the APK signer task.
SignerTaskOptionDescribes a signer entity for APK signing.
StripWorkerTaskOutputWorker task output of the strip tool invocation from the Android NDK.
SymbolVisibilitySymbol visibility value.
V4SigningEnabledInputTaskOptionValue for the --v4-signing-enabled parameter for the apksigner tool.
ZipAlignInputTaskOptionInput for ZIP alignment.
ZipAlignTaskOutputOutput of ZIP alignment.