Aapt2AarCompileTaskOutput | Output of aapt2 compilation of an AAR bundle. |
Aapt2CompileTaskOutput | Output of aapt2 compilation. |
Aapt2CompilerInputTaskOption | Input for aapt2 compilation. |
Aapt2LinkInputLibrary | Represents an input library for aapt2 linking operation. |
Aapt2LinkTaskOutput | Output of an aapt2 linking operation. |
Aapt2LinkerInputTaskOption | Input for aapt2 linking operation. |
Aapt2OutputFormatTaskOption | Represents the output format of the aapt2 link operation. |
AarExtractTaskOutput | Output of an AAR entry extraction operation. |
AidlTaskOutput | Output of the AIDL compilation task. |
AndroidAbi | Identifier of an Android ABI (Application Binary Interface). |
AndroidClassPathInputTaskOption | Input for the Android classpath creation task.
AndroidClassPathReference | Classpath configuration for Android. |
AndroidLibraryEntryOption | Represents an ABI - Android library location pair.
AndroidNdkClangOptionsPreset | Configuration preset for using clang with Android NDK. |
AndroidNdkLibrary | Identifier of an Android NDK library. |
AndroidNdkRuntimeFeatures | An Android runtime feature option. |
AndroidNdkSDKDescription | SDK description for the Android NDK. |
AndroidPlatformClassPath | Classpath reference to an Android platform. |
ApkClassesTaskOption | Input Java classes in dex format. |
ApkCreatorTaskOutput | Represents the task output of an APK creation.
ApkResourcesTaskOption | Input resources for APK creation. |
AssetsDirectoryPath | Path to an Android assets directory. |
ClassBinaryName | Binary name of a Java class.
CompilationIdentifierTaskOption | Represents an identifier for compilation related tasks.
D8InputTaskOption | Input for D8 operation. |
D8TaskOutput | Output of the d8 dexing operation.
ExecutionFileLocation | Represents a location of a file available in the build execution.
FileLocation | Represents a location of a given file.
FileLocationTaskOption | Represents a location of a file.
LocalFileLocation | Represents a local file system location.
SDKDescription | An SDK description.
SDKDescriptionTaskOption | Represents an SDK description that can be passed to tasks which support it. |
SDKName | Name of an SDK description.
SignApkInputTaskOption | Input APK for the saker.apk.sign() task.
SignApkTaskOutput | Output of the APK signer task. |
SignerTaskOption | Describes a signer entity for APK signing. |
StripWorkerTaskOutput | Worker task output of the strip tool invocation from the Android NDK. |
SymbolVisibility | Symbol visibility value. |
V4SigningEnabledInputTaskOption | Value for the --v4-signing-enabled parameter for the apksigner tool.
ZipAlignInputTaskOption | Input for ZIP alignment. |
ZipAlignTaskOutput | Output of ZIP alignment. |