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Describes a signer entity for APK signing.
AliasThe name of the alias that represents the signer's private key and certificate data within the KeyStore.
KeyPasswordThe password for the signer's private key, which is needed if the private key is password-protected.
KeyStoreThe keystore to be used when signing the APK.
StorePasswordThe password for the KeyStore that contains the signer's private key and certificate.
V1SignerNameThe base name for the files that comprise the JAR-based signature for the current signer.
V1SigningEnabledDetermines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the traditional, JAR-based signing scheme.
V2SigningEnabledDetermines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v2.
V3SigningEnabledDetermines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v3.
V4NoMerkleTreeWith this flag, apksigner produces an APK Signature Scheme v4 .idsig file without the full Merkle tree embedded.
V4SigningEnabledDetermines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v4.
The name of the alias that represents the signer's private key and certificate data within the KeyStore. If the KeyStore associated with the signer contains multiple keys, you must specify this option. Corresponds to the --ks-key-alias argument of the apksigner tool.
The password for the signer's private key, which is needed if the private key is password-protected. Corresponds to the --key-pass parameter with pass: argument of the apksigner tool.
The keystore to be used when signing the APK. Corresponds to the --ks argument of the apksigner tool. If the KeyStore is not specified, or set to null, the automatically generated debug key is used for signing.
The password for the KeyStore that contains the signer's private key and certificate. Corresponds to the --ks-pass parameter with pass: argument of the apksigner tool.
The base name for the files that comprise the JAR-based signature for the current signer. Corresponds to the --v1-signer-name argument of the apksigner tool.
Determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the traditional, JAR-based signing scheme. Corresponds to the --v1-signing-enabled argument of the apksigner tool.
Determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v2. Corresponds to the --v2-signing-enabled argument of the apksigner tool.
Determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v3. Corresponds to the --v3-signing-enabled argument of the apksigner tool.
With this flag, apksigner produces an APK Signature Scheme v4 .idsig file without the full Merkle tree embedded. Corresponds to the --v4-no-merkle-tree flag of the apksigner tool.
Determines whether apksigner signs the given APK package using the APK Signature Scheme v4. Corresponds to the --v4-signing-enabled argument of the apksigner tool.