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Annotation processing

We recommend reading Annotation processor configuration before this article. (Some of the examples are similar to the ones in that article.)

To simply load an annotation processor from a classpath and use it in a compilation:

$processor =
	ClassPath: lib/my_processor.jar,
	Class: example.MyProcessor
	SourceDirectories: src,
	AnnotationProcessors: $processor

The above will result in the example.MyProcessor being used when compiling the sources in src.


To pass options for the used annotation processors:

$processor = # ...
	SourceDirectories: src,
	AnnotationProcessors: $processor,
	AnnotationProcessorOptions: {
		example.MyProcessor.option: abc

This will pass the example.MyProcessor.option option with the abc value to the invoked processor(s). Processors can also be configured with processor-private options, see the example here for more information.

Input locations

Input locations may be specified for annotation processors to use. They will be able to read files from the specified locations:
	SourceDirectories: src,
	AnnotationProcessors: {
		Processor: ### ... ### 
	ProcessorInputLocations: {
		PROC_RES: processor_resources

In the above scenario, processor implementations will have access to the files in the current working directory by using the WORKING_DIRECTORY location, and to the resources in the processor_resources subdirectory using the PROC_RES location.

More information here.