saker.jar Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Build tasks
saker.jar.create()Creates a JAR archive with the specified contents.
saker.jar.multi_release.optimize()Optimizes an input Multi-Release JAR file by removing duplicate entries.
ExecutionFileLocationRepresents a location of a file available in the build execution.
FileCollectionCollection of file locations.
FileLocationRepresents a location of a given file.
JarManifestTaskOptionRepresents a configuration of Java Archive Manifest entry attributes.
JavaServiceClassNameSpecifies a Java service class name for which the given implementations should be defined for.
JavaServiceImplementationNameSpecifies one or more a Java service implementations that should be declared by the created Java Archive.
LocalFileLocationRepresents a local file system location.
ManifestEntryRepresents an entry name to the the associated attribute map in a Java Archive Manifest file.
MapMap of string key-value attribute entries for a Java Archive Manifest file.
ModuleInfoMainAttributeJava main class name that is injected into the module-info.class entry of the created JAR.
ModuleInfoVersionAttributeVersion string that is injected into the module-info.class entry of the created JAR.
MultiFileLocationTaskOptionOption accepting files as its input.
MultiReleaseJavaMajorNumberRepresents the major version for which the Multi-Release contents are specified.
MultiReleaseOptimizerInputFileTaskOptionArchive input to the Multi-Release optimization task.
MultiReleaseOptimizerTaskOutputOutput of the Multi-Release JAR optimization task.
ZipCompressionZIP compression methods.
ZipCompressionTaskOptionConfigures the compression to be used.
ZipContentsTaskOptionContains configurations that specify the resources that should be included in a created ZIP archive.
ZipCreatorTaskOutputRepresents the task output of a ZIP archive creation.
ZipIncludeTaskOptionRepresents an archive entry inclusion for ZIP archive creation.
ZipResourceTransformerTaskOptionRepresents a ZIP resource transformer that should be used when constructing ZIP entries.
ZipResourcesTaskOptionRepresents an resource configuration for ZIP archive creation.