saker.jar Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Optimizes an input Multi-Release JAR file by removing duplicate entries. The task will remove the files in the archive which are present in multiple release paths and have the same contents. The removal will preserve correctness of the archive and won't remove entries that are overridden in a different release, but also present with the same contents. E.g. if the entry file.txt is present in versions 8, 9, 10, and have the contents 8: a, 9: b, 10: a, then no entries will be removed.
Required parameter.
The input archive to optimize.
OutputSpecifies the output path of the optimized archive.
Required parameter.
The input archive to optimize. Can be the output of the and related tasks, and also paths to the archive itself.
Specifies the output path of the optimized archive. The path must be a forward relative path that will be used to place the output in the build directory. If not specified, it will be automatically determined based on the input file name.