saker.jar Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
  1. saker.jar
  2. JAR creation
  3. Manifest


As a base about the manifest of a JAR file we recommend reading the manifest part of the JAR File Secification.

The manifest of a JAR file is the entry with the path META-INF/MANIFEST.MF. The saker.jar.create() tasks supports specifying the manifest by direct resource inclusion and via task parameters:

	Manifest: {
		MainAttributes: {
			Main-Class: example.Main

In the above example we specify the Main-Class attribute to be set in the manifest of the created JAR file to have the value example.Main. The manifest file will have the following contents in the created archive:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: example.Main

Note that the Manifest-Version: 1.0 entry is automatically included, as it is required by the manifest specification.

You can also specify per-entry attributes:

	Manifest: {
		MainAttributes: {
			Main-Class: example.Main
		EntryAttributes: {
			FirstEntry: {
				Attr: 123,
			SecondEntry: {
				Attr: 456,

The above parameters specify the following manifest contents:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: example.Main

Name: SecondEntry
Attr: 456

Name: FirstEntry
Attr: 123

Note that if you already include a manifest file using the Resources or Includes task parameters, the attributes specified in the Manifest parameter will overwrite already existing entries. The existing manifest and the attributes specified in the parameter are merged.