Package containing task related classes for the build system.
BuildTargetTask | Task interface for build target tasks. |
BuildTargetTaskFactory | TaskFactory specialization for representing build targets which are the basic root tasks in build scripts. |
BuildTargetTaskResult | Interface representing the result of a build target task. |
InnerTaskResultHolder | Interface holding the results of an inner task invocation. |
InnerTaskResults | Interface for providing access to the results of inner task executions. |
ParameterizableTask | Extension interface for Task for representing a task that can be parameterized. |
Task | Tasks are the basic execution units for the build system |
TaskContext | Task context is the primary interface for tasks to interact with the build runtime. |
TaskDependencyFuture | Represents a handle to a specified task to query the result from. |
TaskDirectoryContext | Container for the base directories used by a task during execution. |
TaskDirectoryPathContext | Container providing access to the base directory paths for a task during build execution. |
TaskDuplicationPredicate | Functional interface for checking if the associated task duplication should continue. |
TaskExecutionEnvironmentSelector | Task environment selectors are used to choose an appropriate build environment for tasks to run on. |
TaskExecutionUtilities | Interface for an utility class that provides extension functions for TaskContext. |
TaskFactory | Represents a stateless factory for tasks which are the basic execution units for the build system. |
TaskFileDeltas | Container for holding and handling file related task deltas. |
TaskFuture | Represents a handle to a specified task. |
TaskProgressMonitor | Interface for monitoring and reporting progress of tasks during execution. |
TaskResultCollection | Collection class for enclosing the task results of a build execution. |
TaskResultDependencyHandle | Handle to a task result that allows modifying the applied dependency to the underlying task. |
TaskResultResolver | Container class for retrieving results of an executed task based on its task identifier. |
AnyTaskExecutionEnvironmentSelector | TaskExecutionEnvironmentSelector implementation for allowing a task to use any build environment. |
Builder in TaskInvocationConfiguration | Builder class for TaskInvocationConfiguration. |
CommonTaskContentDescriptors | Utility class containing common content descriptors which can be used for reporting file dependencies. |
EnvironmentSelectionResult | Class representing the result of an execution environment selection. |
ForwardingTaskContext | TaskContext and TaskExecutionUtilities implementation that forwards its calls to a concrete
implementation. |
InnerTaskExecutionParameters | Specifies the execution parameters for newly started inner tasks. |
MirroredFileContents in TaskExecutionUtilities | |
SimpleBuildTargetTaskResult | Simple immutable BuildTargetTaskResult backed by an underlying map. |
TaskExecutionParameters | Specifies exeucution parameters for newly started tasks. |
TaskInvocationConfiguration | Data class holding information about invocation related configuration for build tasks. |
TaskLaunchArguments | Simple data class aggregating the information necessary for starting a task in the build system. |
TaskName | Represents a name that can be used to identify and locate tasks from external sources. |