AppxInputTaskOption | Input .appx contents.
AppxProcessorArchitecture | Describes the architecture of the code contained in the package. |
AppxReferenceTaskOption | Reference to an AppxManifest.xml file of an application.
BundleAppxWorkerTaskOutput | Output of the .appxbundle packager task. |
ExecutionFileLocation | Represents a location of a file available in the build execution.
FileCollection | Collection of file locations.
FileLocation | Represents a location of a given file.
FileLocationTaskOption | Represents a location of a file.
LaunchAppxInputTaskOption | Input appx to launch.
LocalFileLocation | Represents a local file system location.
MappingKeyTaskOption | Path of an input file that should be placed in the output .appxbundle. |
MultiFileLocationTaskOption | Option accepting files as its input.
PackageAppxWorkerTaskOutput | Output of the .appx packager task. |
PatchAppxManifestWorkerTaskOutput | Output of the AppxManifest.xml patching task. |
Pattern | Represents a regular expression pattern. |
PatternReplacement | Represents a replacement expression to be used together with a regular expression. |
PrepareAppxWorkerTaskOutput | Output of the appx preparation task. |
RegisterAppxWorkerTaskOutput | Output of an appx registration task. |
RelativeContentsTaskOption | A file configuration that is used to include files in a given package.
SDKDescription | An SDK description.
SDKDescriptionTaskOption | Represents an SDK description that can be passed to tasks which support it. |
SDKName | Name of an SDK description.
SignInputTaskOption | Input file for signing.
SigntoolAlgorithm | Signing algorithm for signtool. |
SigntoolSignWorkerTaskOutput | Output of the signtool signer task. |