Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Build tasks
saker.appx.bundle()Creates an .appxbundle consisting of multiple .appx packages.
saker.appx.launch()Launches an appx application.
saker.appx.manifest.patch()Patches some values in the specified AppxManifest.xml.
saker.appx.package()Creates an .appx package from the prepared application directory.
saker.appx.prepare()Prepares appx application contents into an output directory.
saker.appx.register()Registers an appx package directory for the user. an SDK description for the Windows UAP platform. an SDK description for the Windows Kits that matches the given versions. the input files using SignTool.
AppxInputTaskOptionInput .appx contents.
AppxProcessorArchitectureDescribes the architecture of the code contained in the package.
AppxReferenceTaskOptionReference to an AppxManifest.xml file of an application.
BundleAppxWorkerTaskOutputOutput of the .appxbundle packager task.
ExecutionFileLocationRepresents a location of a file available in the build execution.
FileCollectionCollection of file locations.
FileLocationRepresents a location of a given file.
FileLocationTaskOptionRepresents a location of a file.
LaunchAppxInputTaskOptionInput appx to launch.
LocalFileLocationRepresents a local file system location.
MappingKeyTaskOptionPath of an input file that should be placed in the output .appxbundle.
MultiFileLocationTaskOptionOption accepting files as its input.
PackageAppxWorkerTaskOutputOutput of the .appx packager task.
PatchAppxManifestWorkerTaskOutputOutput of the AppxManifest.xml patching task.
PatternRepresents a regular expression pattern.
PatternReplacementRepresents a replacement expression to be used together with a regular expression.
PrepareAppxWorkerTaskOutputOutput of the appx preparation task.
RegisterAppxWorkerTaskOutputOutput of an appx registration task.
RelativeContentsTaskOptionA file configuration that is used to include files in a given package.
SDKDescriptionAn SDK description.
SDKDescriptionTaskOptionRepresents an SDK description that can be passed to tasks which support it.
SDKNameName of an SDK description.
SignInputTaskOptionInput file for signing.
SigntoolAlgorithmSigning algorithm for signtool.
SigntoolSignWorkerTaskOutputOutput of the signtool signer task.