public static final String | SDK_NAME_WINDOWSAPPCERTKIT = "WindowsAppCertKit" SDK name for the Windows App Cert Kit. |
public static final String | SDK_NAME_WINDOWSKITS = "WindowsKits" SDK name for Windows Kits. |
public static final String | SDK_NAME_WINDOWSUAP = "WindowsUap" SDK name for the Windows Universal Application Platform. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSAPPCERTKIT_PATH_APPXLAUNCHER = "exe.appxlauncher" SDK path identifier for the appxlauncher tool. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSAPPCERTKIT_PATH_HOME = "home" SDK path identifier for the home of the Windows App Certification Kit installation directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSAPPCERTKIT_PATH_MAKEAPPX = "exe.makeappx" SDK path identifier for the makeappx tool. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSAPPCERTKIT_PATH_SIGNTOOL = "exe.signtool" SDK path identifier for signtool. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_APPXLAUNCHER = "exe.appxlauncher" SDK path identifier for the appxlauncher tool. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_BIN_ARM = "bin.arm" SDK path identifier for the bin directory contaning binaries that work on the arm architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_BIN_ARM64 = "bin.arm64" SDK path identifier for the bin directory contaning binaries that work on the arm64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_BIN_X64 = "bin.x64" SDK path identifier for the bin directory contaning binaries that work on the x64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_BIN_X86 = "bin.x86" SDK path identifier for the bin directory contaning binaries that work on the x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_FXC_ARM64 = "exe.arm64.fxc" SDK path identifier for the fxc tool that runs on arm64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_FXC_X64 = "exe.x64.fxc" SDK path identifier for the fxc tool that runs on x64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_FXC_X86 = "exe.x86.fxc" SDK path identifier for the fxc tool that runs on x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_HOME = "home" SDK path identifier for the install location. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_INCLUDE_CPPWINRT = "include.cppwinrt" SDK path identifier for the cppwinrt include directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_INCLUDE_SHARED = "include.shared" SDK path identifier for the shared include directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_INCLUDE_UCRT = "include.ucrt" SDK path identifier for the ucrt include directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_INCLUDE_UM = "" SDK path identifier for the um include directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_INCLUDE_WINRT = "include.winrt" SDK path identifier for the winrt include directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_ARM64_UCRT = "lib.arm64.ucrt" SDK path identifier for the arm64 ucrt library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_ARM64_UM = "" SDK path identifier for the arm64 um library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_ARM_UCRT = "lib.arm.ucrt" SDK path identifier for the arm ucrt library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_ARM_UM = "" SDK path identifier for the arm um library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_X64_UCRT = "lib.x64.ucrt" SDK path identifier for the x64 ucrt library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_X64_UM = "" SDK path identifier for the x64 um library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_X86_UCRT = "lib.x86.ucrt" SDK path identifier for the x86 ucrt library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_LIB_X86_UM = "" SDK path identifier for the x86 um library directory. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_MAKEAPPX_X64 = "exe.x64.makeappx" SDK path identifier for the makeappx tool that runs on x64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_MAKEAPPX_X86 = "exe.x86.makeappx" SDK path identifier for the makeappx tool that runs on x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_RC_ARM64 = "exe.arm64.rc" SDK path identifier for the rc tool that runs on arm64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_RC_X64 = "exe.x64.rc" SDK path identifier for the rc tool that runs on x64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_RC_X86 = "exe.x86.rc" SDK path identifier for the rc tool that runs on x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_SIGNTOOL_ARM = "exe.arm.signtool" SDK path identifier for signtool that runs on arm architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_SIGNTOOL_ARM64 = "exe.arm64.signtool" SDK path identifier for signtool that runs on arm64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_SIGNTOOL_X64 = "exe.x64.signtool" SDK path identifier for signtool that runs on x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PATH_SIGNTOOL_X86 = "exe.x86.signtool" SDK path identifier for signtool that runs on x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSKITS_PROPERTY_VERSION = "version" SDK property identifier for the version of the WindowsKits SDK. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PATH_FEATURES_XML = "xml.features" SDK path identifier for the Features.xml file. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PATH_HOME = "home" SDK path identifier for the install location. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PATH_MAKEAPPX_X64 = "exe.x64.makeappx" SDK path identifier for the makeappx tool that runs on x64 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PATH_MAKEAPPX_X86 = "exe.x86.makeappx" SDK path identifier for the makeappx tool that runs on x86 architecture. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PATH_PLATFORM_XML = "xml.platform" SDK path identifier for the Platform.xml file. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PATH_PREVIOUS_PLATFORMS_XML = "xml.previousplatforms" SDK path identifier for the PreviousPlatforms.xml file. |
public static final String | SDK_WINDOWSUAP_PROPERTY_VERSION = "version" SDK property identifier for the version of the Windows Universal Application Platform SDK. |
public static SDKDescription | Gets the default Windows App Cert Kit SDK. |
public static SDKDescription | Gets the default Windows Kits SDK. |
public static SDKDescription | Gets the default Windows Universal Application Platform SDK. |
public static SDKDescription | getWindowsKitsSDKForVersions( Gets a Windows Kits SDK description for the specified versions. |
public static String | getWindowsUapApiContractWinmdSDKPathIdentifier( Gets an SDK path identifier for the Windows UAP SDK that locates an API contract .winmd file for the specified
contract name. |
public static SDKPathCollectionReference | Gets an SDK path collection reference that returns the .winmd files for the default API contracts for the
platform. |
public static SDKDescription | getWindowsUapSDKForVersions( Gets a Windows UAP SDK description for the specified versions. |
SDK constants in this class starting with SDK_WINDOWSAPPCERTKIT_*
can be used with this SDK.
SDK constants in this class starting with SDK_WINDOWSKITS_*
can be used with this SDK.
SDK constants in this class starting with SDK_WINDOWSUAP_*
can be used with this SDK.
Points to the base directory. e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\
The Platform.xml file is usually locateded at
Windows Kits/10/Platforms/UAP/<VERSION>/Features.xml
Points to the base directory. e.g. c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\
The Platform.xml file is usually locateded at
Windows Kits/10/Platforms/UAP/<VERSION>/Platform.xml
The Platform.xml file is usually locateded at
Windows Kits/10/Platforms/UAP/<VERSION>/PreviousPlatforms.xml
to allow any version.
The path of an API contract .winmd is usually the following:
Windows Kits/10/References/10.0.18362.0/Windows.Foundation.FoundationContract/
is the version of the SDK the path is retrieved from, not part of the path
.The path collection reference will collect the paths for the .winmd API contracts defined in the Platform.xml file for the UAP SDK.
to allow any version.