saker.msvc Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Output of the saker.msvc.ccompile() task. The object is a reference to the compilation results using the Microsoft Visual C++ toolchain. It can be passed to the saker.msvc.clink() linker task to produce the resulting binary, or consume the compilation results in some other way.
ArchitectureContains the target Architecture for which the compilation was done.
IdentifierContains the compilation Identifier that the compilation task was assigned with when compiling the inputs.
ObjectFilePathsContains the paths to the compilation result object files.
SDKsContains the SDKs that were used for compiling the inputs.
Contains the target Architecture for which the compilation was done. The architecture was either explicitly specified to the compilation task, or was inferred from the enclosing build environment.
Contains the compilation Identifier that the compilation task was assigned with when compiling the inputs.
Contains the paths to the compilation result object files. Each path is the result of the compilation of an input file.
Contains the SDKs that were used for compiling the inputs. The map contains all SDKs (explicit or implicit) that was used during the configuration of the compilation.