saker.msvc Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Options configuration to be used with saker.msvc.ccompile(). The described options will be merged with the compilation input configuration based on the option qualifiers. The Identifier, Language, and Architecture fields are considered to be used as qualifiers for the option merging, in which case they are tested for mergeability with the input configuration.
ArchitectureSpecifies the Architecture to which the options should be merged into.
ForceIncludeSpecifies the files that should be force included in the compiled source files.
ForceIncludePrecompiledHeaderBoolean that specifies if the precompiled header should be force included in the source files.
ForceUsingSpecifies the files that should be force used in the compiled source files.
IdentifierSpecifies the Identifier to which the options should be merged into.
IncludeDirectoriesSpecifies include directories that are used to resolve #include directives in the source code.
LanguageSpecifies the Language to which the options should be merged into.
MacroDefinitionsSpecifies key-value pairs which should be added as macro definitions for the compiled files.
PrecompiledHeaderSpecifies the path or file location of a header file that should be precompiled.
SDKsSpecifies the SDKs (Software Development Kits) used by the task.
SimpleCompilerParametersSpecifies one or more arguments that should be directly passed to the compiler backend (cl.exe).
Specifies the Architecture to which the options should be merged into. The associated options will only be merged into the target configuration if the target Architecture is the same as the Architecture defined in this options. If no Architecture is specified for this options, the Architecture is not considered as a qualifier.
Specifies the files that should be force included in the compiled source files. The option corresponds to the /FI argument of cl.exe. The option acts as if the specified file was included with the #include directive at the start of the compiled source file. Multiple force included files can be specified. To force include the precompiled header file, use the ForceIncludePrecompiledHeader option set to true.
Boolean that specifies if the precompiled header should be force included in the source files. If you're using precompiled headers, you will need to include them at the first line of your source files. Setting this option to true will cause the compiler to include it for you, so you don't need to start your source files with the #include precompiled header directive. (In general we don't recommend using this option as that could cause portability issues of your source code.) When merging, true will take precedence for this option.
Specifies the files that should be force used in the compiled source files. The option corresponds to the /FU argument of cl.exe. The option acts as if the specified file was included with the #using directive at the start of the compiled source file. Multiple force used files can be specified.
Specifies the Identifier to which the options should be merged into. The associated options will only be merged into the target configuration if the target Identifier contains all parts as this Identifier. If no Identifier specified for this options, the Identifier is not considered as a qualifier.
Specifies include directories that are used to resolve #include directives in the source code. The values may be simple paths, wildcards, file locations, file collections, or SDK paths. The compilation task doesn't specify any include directories by default. Corresponds to the /I command line option for cl.exe.
Specifies the Language to which the options should be merged into. The associated options will only be merged into the target configuration if the target Language is the same as the Language defined in this options. If no Language is specified for this options, the Language is not considered as a qualifier.
Specifies key-value pairs which should be added as macro definitions for the compiled files. Each entry in this map will be defined as a preprocessor macro definition for the compiled files. Corresponds to the /D<key>=<value> command line option for cl.exe. If value is empty or null, it will be omitted, and -D <key> is used. When merging, the macro definitions won't overwrite macro definitions specified previously.
Specifies the path or file location of a header file that should be precompiled. Precompiled headers files can be preprocessed by the compiler and included in multiple source files. Using them can result in faster builds as the compiler can reuse the result of the precompilation. It is recommended that the precompiled headers contains infrequently changing source files. The precompiled header should be included in the compiled source files in the first line. They can be included with the #include "header_file_name.h" directive. (Substitute the header_file_name.h with the actual simple file name of the header.) When merging, only a single precompiled header may be used. An exception is thrown in case of conflict.
Specifies the SDKs (Software Development Kits) used by the task. SDKs represent development kits that are available in the build environment and to the task. SDKs are used to determine the appropriate build environment to execute the task, as well to resolve paths against them (e.g. IncludeDirectory, LibraryPath). The "MSVC" SDK is used to determine the location of the backend executables (cl.exe, link.exe). If it is not specified, then the task will attempt to determine it automatically. When merging, duplicate SDK definitions are not overwritten.
Specifies one or more arguments that should be directly passed to the compiler backend (cl.exe). Any arguments specified will be appended to the cl.exe invocation for the inputs. Take care when using this option as specifying files here may result in incorrect incremental builds. The order of the specified arguments are kept. When merging, duplicate parameters are removed automatically.