saker.msvc Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
public interface MSVCCompilerWorkerTaskOutput
Provides access to the output of a C/C++ compilation task.

The interface provides access to the results of a C/C++ compilation that was done using the MSVC toolchain.

public String
Gets the target architecture that was the compilation done for.
public CompilationIdentifier
Gets the compilation identifier of the compilation task.
public Collection<SakerPath>
Gets the collection of execution paths that point to the resulting object files.
public Map<String, SDKDescription>
Gets the SDKs that were used during the compilation.
public abstract String getArchitecture()
Gets the target architecture that was the compilation done for.
The target architecture.
Gets the compilation identifier of the compilation task.
The identifier.
Gets the collection of execution paths that point to the resulting object files.

Each path is a result of a single source file compilation.

An immutable collection of object file paths.
public abstract Map<String, SDKDescription> getSDKs()
Gets the SDKs that were used during the compilation.

The result contains the resolved SDK descriptions with their configuration pinned to the ones that were used during compilation.

The SDKs.