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Output of Java compilation. The fields can be used to access the output paths of the compilation. The compilation output can be directly set to an input class path or module path to subsequent Java compilations.
ClassDirectoryThe directory path to the output class files of the Java compilation.
HeaderDirectoryThe directory path to the output native header files.
JavaSDKThe Java SDK description that was used to execute that Java compilation.
ModuleNameThe name of the module that was compiled.
ResourceDirectoryThe directory path to the output resource files.
SourceGenDirectoryThe directory path to the output source files.
The directory path to the output class files of the Java compilation. The directory contains all class files that were compiled from the Java source files and any files which were generated by annotation processors to the class output directory.
The directory path to the output native header files. The directory contains all .h header files that were generated by the compiler task and any files which were generated by annotation processors to the native header output directory. Set GenerateNativeHeaders option to true to generate header files.
The Java SDK description that was used to execute that Java compilation. It was either explicitly specified by the developer, or inferred based on the current build environment.
The name of the module that was compiled. This field is only applicable for Java compilations targetting version 9 or later, and containing a input source file.
The directory path to the output resource files. The directory is the base directory under which annotation processors generate their output resource files. The actual resource directory should be resolved against this output directory path. E.g. if a processor generates to the output location name PROC_RESOURCES_OUTPUT, then the path "{[ResourceDirectory] }/PROC_RESOURCES_OUTPUT" expression should be used.
The directory path to the output source files. The directory contains any Java source files that annotation processors generated during their invocation. The files have the .java extension and are under their respective package subdirectory.