Package containing classes for common build property implementations.
BuildTimeExecutionProperty | Singleton ExecutionProperty implementation that queries the current build time milliseconds of the build
execution. |
IDEConfigurationRequiredExecutionProperty | ExecutionProperty for determining if reporting of IDE configurations are expected from the tasks. |
ProcessEnvEnvironmentProperty | EnvironmentProperty implementation that queries the value of an environment
variable. |
PropertyValue in ScriptParsingConfigurationExecutionProperty | The computed property value for ScriptParsingConfigurationExecutionProperty. |
ScriptParsingConfigurationExecutionProperty | ExecutionProperty implementation for querying execution configuration related resources for the provided
script path. |
ScriptParsingOptionsExecutionProperty | ExecutionProperty implementation for retrieving the current ScriptParsingOptions for a script path
specified by the current ExecutionScriptConfiguration of the build execution. |
SystemPropertyEnvironmentProperty | EnvironmentProperty implementation that queries the value of a system
property. |
UserParameterEnvironmentProperty | Environment property implementation for retrieving an environment user parameter for a given key. |
UserParameterExecutionProperty | Execution property implementation for retrieving an execution user parameter for a given key. |