Package for holding the exception types which can be thrown by the build system during build execution.
ClusterEnvironmentSelectionFailedException | Exception signaling that determining execution environment suitability failed. |
ClusterTaskException | Common superclass for build cluster task invocation related exceptions. |
ClusterTaskExecutionFailedException | Exception signaling that a task execution on a build cluster failed. |
IllegalTaskOperationException | Exception for representing that an operation was not allowed at the time of calling, with the given parameters if
any. |
InnerTaskExecutionException | Exception holding the cause of an inner task execution failure. |
InnerTaskInitializationException | Exception thrown when the initialization of inner tasks fail. |
InvalidTaskInvocationConfigurationException | Thrown by the build system when an invalid configuration was detected for a task. |
InvalidTaskResultException | Exception to represent the scenario when a task returns invalid value from its |
MissingRequiredParameterException | Exception signaling that a required parameter was not provided by the caller. |
MultiTaskExecutionFailedException | Exception collecting information about multiple task execution failures. |
TaskEnvironmentSelectionFailedException | Exception signalling that the build system failed to find a suitable build environment. |
TaskException | Common superclass for all exceptions that are thrown during build execution. |
TaskExecutionCancelledException | Exception can be thrown by tasks when they detect that the execution was cancelled by user request. |
TaskExecutionDeadlockedException | Exception thrown when the build system detects that a build execution has deadlocked. |
TaskExecutionException | Common superclass for exceptions that are related to task execution and have a corresponding
task identifier. |
TaskExecutionFailedException | Exceptions representing that a task execution did not finish successfully. |
TaskIdentifierConflictException | Instances of this exception is thrown when the task identifier and corresponding data uniqueness is violated. |
TaskParameterException | Exceptions signaling that some issue was encountered when dealing with task parameters. |
TaskResultSerializationException | The serialization of a task result failed. |
TaskResultWaitingFailedException | Common superclass for exceptions that signal an error during waiting for a specified task. |
TaskResultWaitingInterruptedException | Exception thrown when the thread is interrupted during waiting for a task to finish. |
TaskStandardIOLockIllegalStateException | Signals that a state violation occurred when trying to access the standard IO lock for a task. |
TaskThreadManipulationException | Exception of this type is thrown when the build system encounters an unexpected scenario during dealing with task
threads. |