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public class TaskResultWaitingFailedException extends TaskExecutionException
Common superclass for exceptions that signal an error during waiting for a specified task.

The exact nature of the exception is specified by the subclass. Instances of this exception is usually thrown when waiting for a task fails due to circumstances that the waiting task can't control.

Creates a new exception for the given task identifier, exception message, and cause.
TaskResultWaitingFailedException(String message, Throwable cause, boolean writableStackTrace, TaskIdentifier taskIdentifier)
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier with the specified initialization config.
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier and exception message.
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier and cause.
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier.
protected TaskResultWaitingFailedException(String message, Throwable cause, TaskIdentifier taskIdentifier)
Documentation included from: TaskExecutionException
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier, exception message, and cause.
messageThe exception message.
causeThe exception that caused this one.
taskIdentifierThe related task identifier.
protected TaskResultWaitingFailedException(String message, Throwable cause, boolean writableStackTrace, TaskIdentifier taskIdentifier)
Documentation included from: TaskExecutionException
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier with the specified initialization config.
messageThe exception message.
causeThe exception that caused this one.
writableStackTraceWhether or not the stack trace should be writable.
taskIdentifierThe related task identifier.
protected TaskResultWaitingFailedException(String message, TaskIdentifier taskIdentifier)
Documentation included from: TaskExecutionException
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier and exception message.
messageThe exception message.
taskIdentifierThe related task identifier.
Documentation included from: TaskExecutionException
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier and cause.
causeThe exception that caused this one.
taskIdentifierThe related task identifier.
Documentation included from: TaskExecutionException
Creates a new exception for the given task identifier.
taskIdentifierThe related task identifier.