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public interface TargetConfiguration
Target configuration is a container interface for build targets.

Build targets are root tasks in build scripts. Build targets are identified by a String name.

Target configuration instances are the results of parsing build scripts.

public ScriptParsingOptions
Gets the parsing options that were used for the parsing of this target configuration.
public Set<String>
Gets the names of the build targets contained in this instance.
public BuildTargetTaskFactory
getTask(String target)
Gets the build target task factory for the specified build target name.
Gets the parsing options that were used for the parsing of this target configuration.
The parsing options.
Gets the names of the build targets contained in this instance.
An unmodifiable set of build target names. Doesn't contain null.
Gets the build target task factory for the specified build target name.
targetThe build target name.
The build target for the given name or null if not found.
NullPointerExceptionIf target is null.