Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
Signs an iPhone application bundle. The task takes a previously created iPhone application bundle as input, and signs it with the specified provisioning profile and signing identity. The build task will NOT sign the application in-place, but rather copy its contents to a different output location and perform the signing there.
Required parameter.
Specifies the application that should be signed.
OutputA forward relative output path that specifies the output location of the signed application contents.
Required parameter.
Specifies the provisioning profile that should be embedded in the application.
Required parameter.
The signing identity to be used when performing the operation.
Required parameter.
Specifies the application that should be signed.
A forward relative output path that specifies the output location of the signed application contents. It can be used to have a better output location than the automatically generated one.
Required parameter.
Specifies the provisioning profile that should be embedded in the application. The provisioning profile specifies the entitlements of the application. The specified provisioning profile will be part of the application contents with the embedded.mobileprovision file name. The entitlements of the profile will be extracted and passed as the --entitlements option for the codesign tool. The provisioning profiles managed by Xcode usually reside in the /Users/<YOUR_USERNAME>/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/ directory.
Required parameter.
The signing identity to be used when performing the operation. The signing identity is used to determine the certificate for the signature. This parameter is passed as the --sign argument for the codesign tool. It is recommended that the value of this parameter is exactly 40 hexadecimal digits that corresponds to a valid signing identity. You can list the signing identities using the security find-identity -v -p codesigning command. Look for the hash value at the start of the listed identities.