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Gets a dependency filter that limits the dependencies to the specified kinds and based on the compile-transitive meta-data. The task creates a dependency filter that filters out dependencies that aren't declared with any of the configured dependency kinds. If the CompileTransitive parameter is set to false, the task will also filter out the dependencies that are declared with the compile-transitive: false meta-data. The filter will also remove the private dependencies. The task result can be used with the nest.dependency.resolve() task. Note that if the CompileTransitive parameter is not set to false, the dependency filter works the same way as if the nest.dependency.filter.kind() task was used.
CompileTransitiveSpecifies whether or not compile-transitive dependencies should be included.
KindsSpecifies the list of dependency kinds that should be used to filter out dependencies with other kinds.
Specifies whether or not compile-transitive dependencies should be included. The default is true. If this parameter is set to false, then any transitive dependency that is declared with the compile-transitive: false meta-data will be filtered out.
Collection of String
Specifies the list of dependency kinds that should be used to filter out dependencies with other kinds. Any dependency that is not specified with any of the kind that is specified as an input will be not part of the dependency resolution. Specifying no kinds (i.e. empty list) will result in all dependencies being filtered out. If not specified, the default dependency kind is classpath.