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abstract class ExecutableTransferProperties<MT extends Executable>
Common properties superclass for specifying transfer mechanism of a given executable method or constructor.

Parameter write handlers can be specified for every executable. This class is immutable and a builder is recommended to construct instances.

MTThe type of the executable.
public static RMIObjectWriteHandler[]
Creates write handlers for each parameter on the given executable.
public static RMIObjectWriteHandler
createTypeWriteHandler(Class<?> targettype, Annotation[] annots)
Creates a write handler based on the given annotations.
public MT
Gets the executable which this properties are for.
public RMIObjectWriteHandler
Returns the specified write handler for the parameter at the given index.
public boolean
Checks if the properties defined by this instance equals to the ones specified by the parameter.
Creates write handlers for each parameter on the given executable.
executableThe executable to create parameter write handlers for.
The array of write handlers. Length is the same as parameter count.
RMIInvalidConfigurationExceptionIn case of invalid configuration.
Creates a write handler based on the given annotations.
targettypeThe target type to create the write handler for.
annotsThe annotations to base the created write handler on.
The write handler.
RMIInvalidConfigurationExceptionIn case of invalid configuration.
public MT getExecutable()
Gets the executable which this properties are for.
The executable.
Returns the specified write handler for the parameter at the given index.
indexThe index of the parameter.
The specified write handler.
Checks if the properties defined by this instance equals to the ones specified by the parameter.

Equality is not checked for the enclosed executable. Two properties can equal regardless off the executable they are defined for.

otherThe other properties.
true if the two properties equal.