saker.nest Documentation TaskDoc JavaDoc Packages
package saker.nest.scriptinfo.reflection.annot
Contains annotation types which are interpreted by the Nest repository to provide scripting information for IDE users.

The annotations in this package can be used to annotate the tasks in bundles in order to provide content assist and documentational features for them.

As an entry point for this facility, developers should annotate the classes defined in the bundle task declaration entry file. Starting from that, the referenced types should be annotated accordingly as well.

This facility of the Nest repository is not convenient, and serves as a temporary solution until a more reified and complex implementation is created. It allows to declare the information directly on the classes that are used with tasks, but due to the nature of annotations, it may be inconvenient to use.

Container annotation for the repeatable NestFieldInformation annotation.
Annotation to specify information about a field of the annotated type.
Annotation specifying a documentational information for the given element.
Container annotation for the repeatable NestInformation annotation.
Container annotation for the repeatable NestParameterInformation annotation.
Annotation to be placed on tasks to provide information about input parameters.
Annotation to be placed on tasks used with the Nest repository.
Annotation specifying scripting information about the annotated type.
Annotation for referencing an used type in regards of scripting information.