Interface extending ObjectOutput and ByteSink.
The interface is present to have proper RMI annotation for implementations that possibly implement both of the specified interfaces.
public void | close() Closes the stream. |
public void | flush() Flushes the stream. |
public default void | write( Writes a byte. |
public void | write( Writes an array of bytes. |
public void | write( Writes a sub array of bytes. |
public void | writeObject( Write an object to the underlying storage or stream. |
From: DataOutputByteSink |
From: ByteSink |
Overridden from: ObjectOutput
Closes the stream. This method must be called
to release any resources associated with the
IOExceptionIf an I/O error has occurred.
Overridden from: ObjectOutput
Flushes the stream. This will write any buffered
output bytes.
IOExceptionIf an I/O error has occurred.
Overridden from: ObjectOutput
Writes a byte. This method will block until the byte is actually
bthe byte
IOExceptionIf an I/O error has occurred.
Overridden from: ObjectOutput
Writes an array of bytes. This method will block until the bytes
are actually written.
bthe data to be written
IOExceptionIf an I/O error has occurred.
Overridden from: ObjectOutput
Writes a sub array of bytes.
bthe data to be written
offthe start offset in the data
lenthe number of bytes that are written
IOExceptionIf an I/O error has occurred.
Overridden from: ObjectOutput
Write an object to the underlying storage or stream. The
class that implements this interface defines how the object is
objthe object to be written
IOExceptionAny of the usual Input/Output related exceptions.