public static < | appended( Creates a new array by appending the given element at the end of it. |
public static int | arrayDeepHashCode( Computes the deep hash code of the argument array. |
public static int | arrayHashCode( Computes the hash code of the argument array. |
public static int | arrayIndexOf( Finds the index of an object in the specified array range. |
public static int | arrayIndexOf( Finds the index of an object in the specified array. |
public static int | arrayLastIndexOf( Finds the last index of an object in the specified array range. |
public static int | arrayLastIndexOf( Finds the last index of an object in the specified array. |
public static boolean | arrayRangeEquals( Compares the elements in the argument array ranges for equality. |
public static int | arrayRangeHashCode( Computes the hashcode of an array using the elements in the given range. |
public static List< | arrayReflectionList( Creates a new List that is backed by the argument array. |
public static List< | arrayReflectionList( Creates a new List that is backed by the specified range of the argument array. |
public static String | arrayToString( Converts the array to a string representation. |
public static void | arrayToString( Converts the array to a string representation and appends it to the argument string builder. |
public static boolean | arraysDeepEqual( Checks the deep equality of the two argument arrays. |
public static boolean | arraysEqual( Checks the equality of the two argument arrays. |
public static < | cloneReverse( Clones the array and reverses it. |
public static < | concat( Concatenates the specified arrays. |
public static < | Invokes the argument action for every element in the specified array. |
public static < | inserted( Creates a new array by inserting the given element at the specified position. |
public static int | mismatch( Finds the index of the first mismatching bytes in the specified byte array ranges. |
public static < | prepended( Creates a new array by prepending the given element at the start of it. |
public static boolean | regionEquals( Checks if the specified range of byte arrays equal to each other. |
public static < | removedAtIndex( Removes the element at the specified index from the given array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayRangeLength( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array given by its length. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRange( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array. |
public static void | requireArrayStartEndRangeLength( Validation method to check if a specified range lies within the argument array given by its length. |
public static void | Reverses the array in place. |
public static void | Reverses the specified region of the array in place. |
This method will create a new array that has the length array.length + 1
and will set the element at
to the argument.
It is recommended not to call this function repeatedly (i.e. in a loop), as a new array is created each time it is called.
The function delegates the array hash code call to the appropriate Arrays.hashCode overload if the array has a primitive component type, else it is delegated to
.The function delegates the array hash code call to the appropriate Arrays.hashCode overload with the appropriate array type.
The method doesn't compute a deep hash code, meaning, that if the argument is an object array, and there are
nested arrays in it (i.e. multi dimensional arrays), the element hash codes will not be computed for them. Use
This method works the same way as Arrays.equals(
If any of the arrays are null
, this method will return true
, of the another array is
as well, else false
if all elements in the specified arrays are equal.
This method computes the hashcode the same ways as Arrays.hashCode(
The array may have a primitive component type, it will be handled accordingly. The underlying implementation uses the Array class to access the elements.
The returned list is modifiable, and modifications will propagate back to the argument array.
if the argument is null
.The array may have a primitive component type, it will be handled accordingly. The underlying implementation uses the Array class to access the elements.
The returned list is modifiable, and modifications will propagate back to the argument array.
if the argument is null
This method handles primitive array types, and delegates those calls to the appropriate overload of
Arrays.equals. If the arrays have reference component types,
If both arguments are null
, true
is returned. If only one, false
if the arrays equal.This method handles primitive array types, and delegates those calls to the appropriate overload of Arrays.equals.
This method does shallow equals, meaning that any of the arguments contain multi dimensional arrays, this method
doesn't examine their contents. To check deep equality, use arraysDeepEqual(
If both arguments are null
, true
is returned. If only one, false
if the arrays equal.null
if the argument is null
.The method creates a new array that contains the elements from the first and the second in this order.
The component type of the resulting array is either the same as the first or the second array arguments.
.The action is invoked in the same order as the elements occur in the array.
This method will create a new array that has the length array.length + 1
and will insert the element
at the specified position.
It is recommended not to call this function repeatedly (i.e. in a loop), as a new array is created each time it is called.
If the insertion index equals to array.length
, this method works the same way as
.The method will iterate over the bytes in the specified ranges, and will return the relative index of the first one that doesn't equal. If all bytes equal in the specified ranges, the method will return -1.
The returned relative index is to be interpreted against the specified starting offsets instead of the start of the arrays.
This method uses iterating implementation on JDK 8, and uses vectorized implementation on JDK 9+.
This method will create a new array that has the length array.length + 1
and will set the element at
to the argument.
It is recommended not to call this function repeatedly (i.e. in a loop), as a new array is created each time it is called.
.This method will use the vectorized comparison support on JDK implementations which support it. (Usually JDK9+)
if the specified ranges contain the same bytes.null
.This method will create a new array that doesn't contain the element at the specified index.