Each type information is associated with a given kind. The kind determines how the type itself should be viewed as from a scripting perspective. Correctly defining it can result in better user experience as more related completion proposals, and information can be displayed to the user.
The additional method in this interface provides additional information about the fields, documentation, and type hierarchy for the given type.
public default List< | Gets the type information about the element types of this type. |
public default Map< | Gets information about what kind of enumeration values this type decalres. |
public default Map< | Gets information about the fields this type has. |
public default FormattedTextContent | Gets documentational information about this type. |
public String | getKind() Gets the kind of the type. |
public default Set< | Gets a collection of related types to this type information. |
public default Set< | Gets the super types of this type. |
public default String | Gets the qualified name of the type. |
public default String | Gets the simple name of the type. |
public default boolean | Gets if the type is deprecated. |
See TypeInformationKind.COLLECTION and TypeInformationKind.MAP for more information.
The elements in the returned list may be null
to represent that a given element type at the index is
unknown, unspecified, or doesn't have a specific type.
The returned informations usually have their types as this type.
if not available.null
if not available.The kind determines how the consumer should handle this type information.
Related types are which can be used in similar contexts as this type. E.g. If the type of a parameter is T, and if type E can be used as a value to assign to the parameter with type T, then E can be considered to be related to T, as it can be used in the same place as type T.
The related types should be chosen carefully, and only when appropriate. Script models might use these types to provide additional suggestions when satisfying type requirements, therefore returning unrelated types for these suggestions might result in runtime errors.
Super types should not be included in the results.
Any direct superclasses and superinterfaces should be returned in this method. Transitive superclasses and superinterfaces may be too, but not required.
if not available.null
if not applicable or not available.null
if not available.true
if the type is deprecated.