Package containing script modelling related classes for the build system.
CompletionProposalEdit | Common superinterface for the possible completion proposal related document changes. |
FormattedTextContent | Interface for representing textual content in differently formatted ways. |
PartitionedTextContent | Interface for text content which is partitioned into segments. |
ScriptCompletionProposal | Interface for defining the functionality of a script completion proposal. |
ScriptModellingEngine | Interface for providing modelling related functionality for a scripting language. |
ScriptModellingEnvironment | Configureable environment for script modelling. |
ScriptModellingEnvironmentConfiguration | Configuration collection for ScriptModellingEnvironment. |
ScriptStructureOutline | Interface describing the structural outline information about the source code. |
ScriptSyntaxModel | Model representation of build script files. |
ScriptToken | A script token represents a single entity in the source code that is handled as a unit. |
ScriptTokenInformation | Interface for querying information for an associated token. |
StructureOutlineEntry | Interface for providing outline information about the source code. |
TextPartition | Represents a text partition with given title, subtitle, and contents. |
TokenStyle | A token style defines how a given source code element should be displayed in the IDE. |
CompletionProposalEditKind | Class containing possible values for CompletionProposalEdit kinds. |
InsertCompletionProposalEdit | CompletionProposalEdit implementation representing a text insertion. |
MultiFormattedTextContent | FormattedTextContent implementation holding multiple formats and their corresponding text contents. |
SimplePartitionedTextContent | Simple implementation of PartitionedTextContent, holding precomputed data. |
SimpleScriptStructureOutline | Data class implementation of ScriptStructureOutline. |
SimpleScriptToken | Simple ScriptToken data class implementation. |
SimpleScriptTokenInformation | Simple data class implementation of ScriptTokenInformation. |
SimpleStructureOutlineEntry | Data class implementation of a StructureOutlineEntry. |
SimpleTextPartition | A simple TextPartition implementation holding the data passed to it. |
SimpleTokenStyle | Simple TokenStyle data class. |
SingleFormattedTextContent | FormattedTextContent implementation holding a single formatted text content. |
TextRegionChange | Represents a change in a file document at a given region. |